Jumat, 29 April 2011

Apakah perbedaan Format File FAT16, FAT32, DAN NTFS

Wah pasti pada bingungkan sebenarnya apasih perbedaannya.
Hmm disini saya akan jelaskan.

Format NTFS adalah format yang digunakan oleh harddisk yang besar dan suport ZIP atau bisa dikatakan ZIPPED. So pasti format Ini dapat mengkompresikan data, encrypsi, kontrol akses, dan lain-lain. Nah, selain itu NTFS sering kali digunakan sebagai primary disk space, dengan kata itu pastinya Format NTFS digunakan sebagai penyimpan OS unggulan. Tak kalah penting NTFS juga memiliki daya baca yang cepat, sehingga kompatible untuk penyimpanan sempurna.....

Format Fat 16 cenderung digunakan oleh removable disk seperti disket, dan juga tidak suport kompresi dan enkripsi. Begitu pula dengan FAT 32 cenderung sama dengan FAT16 hanya saja kebanyakan dipakai oleh removable disk versi flash. Format ini adalah pengembangan dari si kakak nya.

Dan saya sarankan jika ingin format flash disk pilihlah yang bijak antara FAT dengan FAT32, tetapi tidak semua flash jika bisa NTFS pilihlah NTFS, karena saya sudah pernah melihat flash yang suport format tersebut.

Untuk test kecepatan flash anda bisa baca posting berikut atau gunakan E-Booster

Baca juga
Windows Xp mempunyai 3 filesystem

1. FAT 16 = File Allocation Table 16
2. FAT 32 = File Allocation Table 32
3. NTFS = NT File System

* FAT16

FAT16 dikenalkan oleh MS-DOS tahun 1981 (udah lama banget). Awalnya, Sistim ini didesign untuk mengatur file di floopy drive dan mengalami beberapa kali perubahan sehingga digunakan untuk mengatur file di harddisk. Keuntungan FAT16 adalah file system ini kompatibel hampir di semua Operating System baik itu WIndows 95/98/me, OS/2 , Linux dan bahkan Unix. Namun dibalik itu masalah paling besar dari FAT16 adalah mempunyai kapasitas tetap jumlah cluster dalam partisi , jadi semakin besar harddisk maka ukuran cluster akan semakin besar, artinya file sekecil apapun tetap akan memakan 32Kb dari harddisk. Hal jelek lain adalah FAT16 tidak mendukung kompresi , enkripsi dan kontrol akses dalam partisi.

* FAT32

FAT32 mulai di kenal pada sistim Windows 95 SP2, dan merupakan pengembangan lebih dari FAT16. FAT32 menawarkan kemampuan menampung jumlat cluster yang lebih besar dalam partisi. Selain itu juga mengembangkan kemampuan harddisk menjadi lebih baik dibanding FAT16. Namun FAT32 memiliki kelemahan yang tidak di miliki FAT16 yaitu terbatasnya Operating System yang bisa mengenal FAT32. Tidak seperti FAT16 yang bisa di kenal oleh hampir semua Operating System, namun itu bukan masalah apabila anda menjalankan FAT32 di Windows Xp karena Windows Xp tidak peduli file sistim apa yang di gunakan pada partisi.


NTFS di kenalkan pertama pada Windows NT dan merupakan file system yang benar benar berbeda di banding teknologi FAT. NTFS menawarkan security yang jauh lebih baik , kompresi file , cluster dan bahkan support enkripsi data. NTFS merupakan file system standar untuk Windows Xp dan apabila anda melakukan upgrade Windows biasa anda akan di tanyakan apakah ingin mengupgrade ke NTFS atau tetap menggunakan FAT. Namun jika anda sudah melakukan upgrade pada Windows Xp dan tidak melakukan perubahan NTFS itu bukan masalah karena anda bisa mengkonversinya ke NTFS kapanpun. Namun ingat bahwa apabila anda sudah menggunakan NTFS akan muncul masalah jika ingin downgrade ke FAT tanpa kehilangan data.

Pada Umumnya NTFS tidak kompatibel dengan Operating System lain yang terinstall di komputer yang sama (Double OS) bahkan juga tidak terdetek apabila anda melakukan StartUp Boot menggunakan floopy. Untuk itu sangat disarankan kepada anda untuk menyediakan partisi yang kecil saja yang menggunakan file system FAT di awal partisi. Partisi ini dapat anda gunakan untuk menyimpan Recovery Tool apabila mendapat masalah. Namun dengan teknologi Windows Xp sekarang yang mempunyai Recovery Tool sendiri , Saya rasa itu tidak begitu penting karena kemampuan Recovery Tool dari Windows Xp sudah cukup baik.

* NTFS atau FAT

Jika anda menjalankan lebih dari 1 Operating System di pc anda , anda mungkin perlu menyediakan partisi untuk FAT. Anda bisa memasukkan file / program ke partisi tersebut karena FAT bisa di akses oleh Operating System apapun di harddisk anda. Tapi perlu di ingat, FAT tidak mempunyai security dalam data dan semua Operating System yang terinstall memiliki akses 100% kepada partisi yang menggunakan FAT (read,write,delete,execute). Dalam kasus lain bahkan bisa dilakukan antar jaringan apabila terkoneksi jadi jangan menyimpan file penting dalam FAT System.
READ MORE - Apakah perbedaan Format File FAT16, FAT32, DAN NTFS ........Jangan lupa +1 dan Share-nya ya...

The Play-by-Play

who Wants to be an NPC
Martial Artix

The Play-by-Play

I will keep you updated with behind-the-scenes info through HeroSmash's release today! Anything can happen. New areas, powers, items, monsters and more have just been added. The level cap has been increased to 15. The first player-selected NPCs are appearing in game. More winners will be chosen next week! If this is your first time joining us for the release of a new game... hold onto your super masks! Things are about to get crazy! Design Notes

10:35 pm
UPDATE #2: It keeps getting BETA and BETA!
We just restarted the servers to apply all of the super-fixes and to increase everyone up to 30 bag spaces. Pizza has arrived here at the Lab -- it is going to be a late one! Tomorrow (Friday) we will be continuing the BETA release. Thank you for being a part of this special game launch event!
9:52 pm
UPDATE #1 The BETA LAUNCH Continues!
- Name Color!? Yup - Members get a special name color!
- More Bag Space - We are giving all players +10 more bag spaces. This will bring you to 30 total bag spaces. 
- Zhoom is working on the bug that is preventing players from unlocking their 3rd character.
- Dumoose is working his moose-magic on map and item bugs, 
- Alpha Shop - If you played in the Alpha, you can access the alpha shop at any time. However, players who do not have the Alpha Badge cannot access the shop nor get the items. (The same will be true of the Founder shop!)
9:12 pm
BUG: All players are supposed to be able to login and play, however there is a message saying otherwise. Zhoom is fixing this ASAP FIXED! Also, the Alpha Items are now removed from the shops.
HeroSmash Beta is LIVE!
6 HeroSmash Servers coming online now! Show us your stuff iPotatOS.
The Whodunnit!
It was... Rolith!? (It is always the person you most "middle" suspect.) Why, you ask? Well, yesterday I thought it would be fun to find out what Rolith's bloodtype is. He is looking to eat more healthy, and knowing your blood type can help identify foods that are more beneficial to you. So I bought a blood-type kit and we prepared to do a little lab work at the lab! He was not happy about it.. well, specifically the part where we needed to get some of his Rolith-brand inner-body-fruit-punch. O+ for the record! He needs to stay away from that gluten. Of course... I thought it would be fun to "capture the spirit of the moment on video" .. you know... in case we ever want to have a documentary! Watching Rolith run around while we chase him saying "No no no.. this is perfectly safe! Really!"... priceless. So, he expressed his joy at the event by doing the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. He changed my cellphone wallpaper to a cartoon rainbow pony. All in all... seems fair. *Phone rings* AHHHHHHHHHH!
Thank you so much for your awesome patience and support. We hope you all enjoy the launch of HeroSmash in just a few moments! Tomorrow we will be adding all of the NPCs, Shops, Powers, and Items that did not make it in tonight. Zhoom is removing the "staff-only" status on the all of the quests & maps. (All of the "surprise" last minute bugs are crazy... I have not seen this many since the movie Starship Troopers")
It is times like this where I wish we had a video stream. Then, I could juggle or dance or battle the undead with chopsticks and keep you entertained while the team does their last minute fixes. (Can you call it last minute if it took an hour? .. think Heinz Ketchup. Good things come to those who wait!) But until that day... *dreams* I can tell you this -- I now know who "whodunnit." But before we get to that, you should know that the team is currently moving all of the files to stage. Assuming that the maps all acually link together *crosses fingers* Zhoom is ready to roll. Hang on just a few more minutes friends....
Rolith is almost done updating Alpha tester and Founder to your character pages. You can replace my character's name with yours to see your page. Use %20 for spaces if you have spaces in your name.
HeroSmash Launch Update... VERY... close!
* Shops fixed! Now, 100 new items left to be added
* One Cutscene bug remaining

While you wait... 
HeroSmash Upgrades are now available
Grab a Wallpaper
* ALL players will be able to login when the game goes live.
While we do the final wait: The Mystery continues!
At 3:30pm today, Cysero changed 3 hard to find item descriptions in AQWorlds to clear the names of the innocent. The people who... are not responsible for changing my cellphone wallpaper to carton rainbow ponys. So far (and surprisingly) Beleen and Yergen have both been cleared. So it is down to Jemini and Rolith! Questions still remain... who is it.. and why? *dunn dunn dunnnnnn*
Homepage being CRUSHED by continous refreshes
Embarrasingly, the dev team is having trouble connecting to the development server due to the amont of traffic generated by people checking the homepage. We are taking desperate action... the iPotatOS servers are being deployed. (As seen on HeroMart.com)
HeroSmash Upgrades are now available. If you already have a character & account from Alpha you upgrade whlie we want for the servers to come up!
* Member Zone & Cutscene have a game breaking bug (10 mins)
* The HALdriod shops are 98% done... they just need 10-15 minutes.
* Artix's Mother keeps sending messages asking why she cannot play yet. (This is getting serious!)
The VIP Membership Link
To all of you who have multiple AdventureQuest Worlds accounts linked... you need to select ONE to be your Main account. This is because only one account from each game can be used for the VIP Membership. If you select an account with an active AQWorlds Membership... it should display "VIP Member" up near your name!
20 Minutes until Release!
Go, go, go, go!
Release in 30 Minutes...
You guys are always so awesome in the crunch time of a major release. Thank you! Capt'n Rhubarb says the VIP Membership & SmashCoin stuff should be live in 15 minutes or less. Galanor, Yergen, Llussien, Jemini, Dumoose and the rest of the HeroSmash team are battling through the remaining game-crashing bugs. If we can get the game stable and duct-tape & superglue the little content bugs... then we can stay and fix the rest of the bugs through the night while you play. Wish us luck!
We are battling a waterfall of strange new bugs... the sort of clever, evil bugs that wait silently in the dark until just before a major release. You can give the team some encouragement to by grabbing a HeroSmash Wallpaper. (Randor made them, Miko just uploaded them!) At least none of them are cartoon rainbow ponies!
OK... I asked Yergen how things were going. He took out his Magic 8-Ball. It said, "Outlook not so good.". But on the bright side... if we actually released on time it might trigger some sort of world-ending catastrophic event. So the new Herosmash release time is now expected to be 7pm EST. Meanwhile... Cysero released a shop full of HeroSmash themed items to get everyone into the spirit of the upcoming release over at AQWorlds. Also, if you have a membership in AQW, stop by the portal at www.Artix.com and see if it says you have a VIP membership now. If you have more than one account AQW account... you will have to select your main account first. Hang on, we almost have the page where you select it ready for you!
Whew! We found it.
Someone accidentally moved all the map files into the monsters folder. If I had a SmashCoin for every time this happened... needless to say we are doing some file-backups just in case! I am going to do my rounds and check in on everyone. I will report back with a status update 5:15pm! We are getting close!
Moment of extreme panic....
With less than two hours on the clock...the entire folder of new maps & monsters on the development server suddenly went missing...
With less than 3 hours before the release of HeroSmash... the mystery of who changed my cellphone wallpaper to a rainbow colored My Little Pony is left unanswered. (So far it is down to Beleen, Yergen, Rolith or Jemini) Thank you to everyone on Twitter who did your best to break Cysero who "knows something." He may not have given you a straight answer.. but apparently he did change the descriptions of theseAQWorlds items to give clues on who it is.... good luck!

- Yokai Lute
- SkyGuard Armored Trooper
- Sand Spear Sickle (Low % Boss fight drop)

In unrelated news... now THIS is a tall hat.
3:00pmWhen Beta begins... in a few hours... you will notice at the bottom right you now have a button to open up a device called the HALdriod. This device will allow you to communicate instantly will your mentor and access quests no matter where you are. Yergen did a really good job on the interface!
Tick.... Tock.... Tick.... Tock..... actually, now that I think of it, all of our clocks are digital. So we do not have the looming sound of a second hand eating away the moments before we are to go live tonight. Not sure if I mentioned this already, but Zhoom just ran the database update to give everyone who helped test in Alpha the badge (51,546 accounts). Congratulatios guys! Now, we are just waiting for Rolith & Miko to make it appear on your character pages. Galanor & the Dev team is fixing a sizable mountian of last minute bugs -- good luck guys!
Cysero just walked into the War Room and said, "Artix... I know who changed your wallpaper. And I'm willing to talk. Provided the right offers....", as he slowly backed out of the room with his hands in his pockets. He sorta reminded me of L. Then again, I am probably just thinking that because he is wearing a T-shirt with the L logo on it. I need to help the Capt with the portal pages... can you guys... *nudge* * nudge* getting this valuable information from Cysero?
We are testing the new intro zone. During the first quest you will have to make your first choice to determine wether your character is a hero or a villian.
This is not "how you get a-head" (FIXED!) Meanwhile, we are setting up the new shops. You will have to do a good amount of exploring to find them all! 
With roughly 5 hours left on the clock... the pressure here at the lab is geting pretty intense. Especially since I still do not know for certain who changed my cellphone wallpaper to cartoon ponies. An important part of SuperHero-ing is using your detective skills to solve mysteries. I have narrowed it down to Yergen, Beleen, Rolith or Jemini. So the questions remain: who did it & why would they do such a terrible, terrible, evil thing? Every time I get a phone call I look at my phone and scream!

*Ring* *Ring*
Dumoose: Galanor, did you just call him again on purpose?
Galanor: *chuckles while putting down his phone.*
12:50pmSafiria just sent me an update on our VIP Membership issue, "You'll be happy to hear that Captain Rhubarb is awesome. I just tested flow for him. You can create a new master account & log into HS, create a new AQW account, upgrade the AQW account, link the AQW & Master account, it automatically marks your HS account as upgraded. Then it shows that you're VIP on the portal! Good stuff!"
12:40pmLess than 6 hours until the target launch time! No major problems yet...

Galanor: !
Yergen: !!
Jemini: !!!
12:30pmRolith is working on your character pages! They are about 85% working. You can check out my character here: Martial Artix. Change the name Martial Artix to your hero's name to see your page. There will be a link in game once we go live.Please post your Heros on Twitter/FaceBook/etc so I can click on them and see them. If there are bugs let us know so Rolith can fix them. At the bottom of the page we will have badges, including Alpha Tester, Beta Tester, and, if you support us in the first 30 days of launch... FOUNDER. *Checks with Miko to see how the art for the badges is coming*
12:17pmAlpha Servers are officially offline! We will be working on the HeroSmash servers to get them ready for tonight's full Beta Launch release... we are still aiming at 6pm EST (Side note: Yes, Zhoom accidentally raised the server cap early. Second Side note: We still do not know who changed my cell phone to wallpaper to rainbow ponies....Who do you think did it?) Players are logging in to AdventureQuest Worlds to wait for the release.
12:15pmTomorrow, the AE Team will be supporting the American Cancer Society by participating in the Relay for Life. Our entire team will be taking turns during the 18-hour walk-a-thon and manning a HeroMart.com booth where 100% of all sales will go directly to the cause. Many other local business and organizations will be there too. It is taking place at the Sunlake High School in Land O' Lakes, FL. If you are in the area, stop by and say hi! We hae already gotten some emails and messagesa from players and forum mods who are going to be there. Check out the official Relay for Life website for details.
12:00pmI am getting reports form players that the level cap has already been increased to 15. Can anyone confirm this? P.S. To all of you on the social networking sites who were betting on whether I would remember to change theam to a pm at noon... I do read your posts :-P
11:52 amIf you have not already, be sure to check out all of Yergen's design notes posts with sneaky peek pictures. In an unrelated story... Whie I was away using the "little Paladin's room", SOMEONE here at the lab changed my cellphone wallpaper to a picture of My Little Ponies!
11:45 amThe new HeroSmash skills are really interesting! there is one called Giant Smash that causes you to grow up to 4x your size (Higher level versions of the skill cause you to grow larger) and smash your opponent. There are also Mental powers that may seem weker.. but they are faster and can increase your chance to critically hit. (Think fast!)
11:35 amA super-powered /wave to all of my friends on Twitterand FaceBook. Agt_Grey just informed me that he is already showing as a VIP member when he logs on a the portal. According to Captain Rhubarb, everyone with only 1 AQWorld's Member Account linked should be working! (Shortly, the rest of us will have to choose our primary AQWorlds account)
11:26 amWhile the game is looking in good, Captain Rhubarb is buried up to his neck in complicated code for the VIP Member System . AQWorlds and HeroSmash work on completely different systems... so syncing the memberships is crazy!
11:15 am
The game servers are looking good! Although, I am concerned because Galanor, Dumoose & Llussien are having what appears to be a very important meeting on game balancing. *checks sundial* A little more than 6 hours left... no problem at all! O_O
11:13 am
OMG! Beleen just came into the lab! (It felt like an eternity since we last saw her... today was her last day of school!)
11:00 am
We have a huge to-do list for HeroSmash today. I am checking in with the team members to see the progress and then I will report back to you!
10:45 am
HeroSmash uses the Artix Entertainment, "One Login to Rule Them All". How can you tell? Good question! Two days ago we realized... that there was no way to tell! So we are adding our Dragon Logo in front of every login box that uses it.

Artix Entertainment Login

You can use the same account to login and play EpicDuel, BladeHaven, and now HeroSmash! Manage and link up all of your accounts at the portal site:www.Artix.com
10:20 amPlay-By-Play started! (Bad computer! Bad! *whispers* Artx's computer decided this morning was the perfect time to insall 20 minutes worth of updates.)
9:00 amGalanor, Yergen, Dumoose, Jemini, Dumoose, & Safiria... reporting for duty!
READ MORE - The Play-by-Play ........Jangan lupa +1 dan Share-nya ya...

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Hero smash beta will launch

  here you are go or http://herosmash.com/?referer=Juliantito
Join us count down to the release starting tomorrow morning at 10am-ish.... for the official PLAY-BY-PLAY! Galanoth, Yergen, Zhoom & the team nly have one more all-nighter before the release tomorrow (Thursday, April 28th @ 6pm EST) when BETA will officially open. HeroSmash will become available for ALLplayers to play! New areas, powers, items, monsters and more will be added to the game and the level cap will increase to 15. The first player-selected NPCs will appear in game. More winners will be chosen the following week. Soon, the main Hero and/or Villain will be revealed and begin their plotline.... (they might not even know if they were selected!)

HeroSmash Launch Intro
Also, if you missed becoming a Founder of our other games -- this will be your chance. You can get FOUNDER status in HeroSmash if you support HeroSmash by upgrading or buying SmashCoins during the first month of release. Good everyone... the release is coming faster than speeding bullet train!
READ MORE - Hero smash beta will launch ........Jangan lupa +1 dan Share-nya ya...

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Hero Smash ....... Artix Entertainment MMO

Woow It is nice game, but now is alpha or in testing.

not everyone can play this, but if you was upgrade your AE game link it to your Master ACCOUNT Battle ON. Let's try this game on your browser based here you are go or http://herosmash.com/?referer=Juliantito
Hero Smash Alpha what it is?

But on you can play this on April 28th

BETA FOR EVERYONE! Coming April 28th!

Galanoth, Yergen, Zhoom & the team are going to be pulling non-stop all-nighters between now and the 28th.... when BETA will officially open HeroSmash for all players to play! New areas, powers, items, monsters and more will be added to the game and the level cap will increase to 15. The first player-selected Hero and/or Villain will begin their plotline.... (they might not even know if they were selected!) Also, if you missed becoming a Founder of our other games -- this will be your chance. More on this to be announced soon. Good luck team... the 28th is coming faster than speeding bullet train!

Hero Smash

Underpants on the outside... for JUSTICE!

Create a Hero or Super Villian and fight to help your side battle against the enemy. HeroSmash is a Free, massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) built in Flash that you can play in real-time on your web browser without a download! Battle evil (or become evil) as a hero wielding super powers! You can fully customize your hero to wear anything from ice-covered frozen armor, darkness armor with skulls, or even a mechanical robot armor!

Screen shot

READ MORE - Hero Smash ....... Artix Entertainment MMO ........Jangan lupa +1 dan Share-nya ya...

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Musik Adalah Alunan Hati

Hmm... Bagaimana kalau sekarang aku jadi penjual buku. Lagian Bukunya Dijamin Bagus...
Istimewa dan patut dicoba


Ingin Langganan Buku Barunya

READ MORE - Musik Adalah Alunan Hati ........Jangan lupa +1 dan Share-nya ya...